Zuk ere gurekin parte har dezakezu!!

MARRUA aldizkarian parte hartu nahi duzuenok honako helbide honetara korreo bat bidali besterik ez duzue: albistea, kronika, elkarrizketa, iritzia, kritika, olerkiak, bertsoak, ipuinak...




Matthew Dickie, born in Newcastle in 1990, has been our English language
assistant since school started last September. We have asked him a few
questions to get to know him a bit better.
1.Describe yourself in three words. Fantastic, optimistic and English.
2.What languages do you speak? I speak English, Spanish and French.
3.Why did you choose to come to the Basque Country? I wanted to choose
something different and I also wanted to know a place that I had never
been to.
4.What is the thing you like best about the Basque Country? The food!
5.Is daily life very different in England to the Basque Country? A lot of
things are different, but mostly the people because the English are more
serious. Schools are very different too, for example students have to wear
a uniform.
6.Which is the tastiest meal that you have tried here? I tried a salad "La
Agitada" in a bar in Donosti called A Fuego Negro.
7.What do you like doing in your free time? I like to hang out with my
friends, go to the cinema and eat. We tend to speak English and Spanish,
but sometimes it's impossible to understand each other.
8.What places would you like to visit? I want to go to the festivals and
I'm looking forward to Tolosa's fancy dressing festival.
9.How would you describe the Basque personality in only three words?
Friendly, cool and alternative . (He likes us, he said…)
10.Do you prefer Basque girls rather than English girls? Basque girls,
because I think English girls can be snobbish.
11.Which is your secret ambition? I want to be the king of the world.
12.If you could be a different person for a day, who would you be? I would
like to be George Clooney.
13.Which would be your strangest experience? There are too many. It's
difficult to choose…
14.Beach or mountain? Beach.
15.Summer or winter? Summer.
16.Blond or dark-haired? Both
Amaia Alvarez, Paula Duque, Mikel Etxeberria Garcia, Karolina Janicka,
Amaia Orbegozo,
Laida Ormazabal, Laida Pino and Elena Zubiria.

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